Program your Henny Penny 340 open fryer

If you’re in the restaurant business, you know how important it is to maintain consistent quality in the dishes you serve. The Henny Penny 340 Open Fryer is an excellent tool for achieving just that. By programming your products, you can ensure that your dishes are cooked to perfection every time. In this guide, we’ll show you how to program and save a product on the control panel of your Henny Penny 340 Open Fryer.

How to Program the Henny Penny 340 Open Fryer:

  1. To begin, locate the program button on the control panel of your Henny Penny 340 Open Fryer. It’s typically located in the top right corner of the control panel.
  2. Hold the P or program button for three seconds. This will open the program menu.
  3. Once the program menu opens, you’ll be prompted to enter a super-secret code. The code is 123.
  4. From here, you can select any of the numbered products on the control panel. For this example, we’re going to select 4L or four left.
  5. Once you’ve selected your product, hit the program button to proceed to the next step.

How to Name Your Product:

  1. The first option you’ll see is the name of your product. To change the name, use the middle two up and down arrows on the control panel.
  2. Once you’ve named your product, hit the program button again to lock and save it in place.

How to Set the Cook Time:

  1. Next up is cook time. Use the middle up and down arrows to adjust the cook time for your product.
  2. Hit the program button again to save the cook time in place.

How to Set the Cooking Temperature:

  1. You can also adjust the cooking temperature by using the middle up and down arrows.
  2. However, 350°F is the golden standard for open frying, so we recommend leaving it there.

How to Set the Cook ID:

  1. To read the control panel and determine which product is cooking, adjust the cook ID to an abbreviation for your food product. For example, NY for New York Strip.
  2. Once you’ve set the cook ID, lock it into place.

How to Use Load Compensation:

  1. Load compensation is one of the most impressive features of the Henny Penny Open Fryer. It detects the temperature of the oil regardless of the size of your cooking batch and adjusts the timer to ensure consistent results.
  2. Lock load compensation into place.

How to Set the Quality Timer:

  1. The Quality Timer is how long food sits in the basket above the fryer before having to drop a new batch. Use the middle up and down arrows to set the Quality Timer.
  2. Hit the program button again to save the Quality Timer in place.

How to Set the Filter After:

  1. The Filter After option is how many cooks of this particular product you can cook before the fryer prompts you to filter. Use the middle up and down arrows to set the Filter After.
  2. Lock the Filter After setting into place.

Once you’ve gone through all the above steps, you’ve successfully programmed a product on the control panel of your Henny Penny 340 Open Fryer! You can select any other product and follow the same steps or hit the “inp” button at the same time to return to the main cooking screen.

Programming your products on the Henny Penny Open Fryer is the key to consistent and quality cooking. By following the step-by-step guide


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